1 Hour [ 13-30 Hz ] Beta Wave Binaural Beats: Calming Tones to Slow Down Your Thoughts

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Close your eyes, relax, and let the sights and sounds bring you peace…

This Video’s Mantras:

  1. When crazy things are thrown at me, I choose to face them with calmness.
  2. Your immediate reaction does not tell you who you are it is how you decide to respond after the reaction that gives you real insight into how much you have grown your first reaction is your past your intentional response is your present.
  3. My life is a gift.
  4. I release phsyical tension and allow my muscles to relax.
  5. I will trust the process and celebrate my progress.
  6. Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
  7. Worrying about what others think is only a distraction to living courageously.
  8. You are loved. You are enough.
  9. I am accepting of the path I am on and believe things happen for a reason.
  10. I am in charge of how I feel, and today I choose-peace.
  11. I let go of my need to be a people pleaser.
  12. I am strong enough to get through anything.
  13. I choose to live my best life.
  14. Anxiety isn’t dangerous. I’m just uncomfortable. I’ll make it through this.
  15. I welcome all the ways the universe might bless me, and I am grateful for them.

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Beta wave binaural beats are a type of binaural beat that has a frequency of around 12-30 Hz. This frequency range is associated with a state of alertness and concentration, and may have a variety of potential benefits when used in binaural beats music. Some of the potential benefits of using beta wave binaural beats include improving focus and concentration, increasing mental clarity and alertness, and promoting deeper relaxation. Additionally, beta waves have been shown to play a role in the regulation of mood and may have potential benefits for reducing symptoms of anxiety and improving overall feelings of well-being. However, it’s important to note that the research on the potential benefits of binaural beats is still in its early stages and more research is needed to fully understand their effects on the body.

Binaural beats are a type of sound wave that can be used to entrain, or synchronize, the brain’s frequency to a desired state. This is typically done by listening to two tones of slightly different frequencies through headphones. The brain responds to the difference between the two tones, producing a third, internal tone that has a frequency equal to the difference between the two external tones.

Some people believe that listening to binaural beats can provide a number of benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and increasing focus and concentration. However, the effectiveness of binaural beats for any given purpose has not been conclusively proven, and more research is needed to determine their potential benefits. If you’re interested in trying binaural beats, it’s important to use them safely and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

This meditation video features a peaceful and relaxing soundtrack, combined with positive affirmations to help you focus your mind and achieve a state of calm and relaxation. The affirmations in this video are designed to help you let go of negative thoughts and emotions, and focus on the present moment. As you listen to the soothing music and repeat the affirmations, you may find yourself feeling more at peace and better able to handle the challenges of daily life. Whether you are new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, this video is sure to provide a calming and restorative experience. Give yourself the gift of relaxation and allow the peaceful music and affirmations to help you let go of stress and tension, and find inner peace and calm.

Affirmations are positive statements that are used to challenge negative or self-defeating thoughts. By repeating affirmations on a regular basis, it is thought that they can help to change the way you think and behave, and ultimately improve your life.

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of calm and relaxation. Regular meditation has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, improving sleep, and increasing mindfulness and self-awareness.

In combination, affirmations and meditation can be a powerful tool for improving your life. Affirmations can help to challenge and overcome negative thoughts and beliefs, while meditation can help to calm and clear the mind, allowing you to focus on the present moment and on your goals and intentions. Together, these practices can help you to improve your mental and emotional well-being, and to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

Thank you very much for listening. I hope you enjoyed your meditation!

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